Continuous integration

Continuous integration has become a very important topic nowadays. In our blog we will discuss the possibilities that Bitbucket offers and the advantages that, according to me, Bitbucket offers compared to Jenkins. Bitbucket is all in one tool, which offers a lot of facilities to manage all the development process of a product. In the next blog we will go deeper into these tools and than we will focus on pipelines. Bitbucket has some limitations in the free version, but for the first steps Bitbucket is a very good tool. We will see how easy it is to setup Bitbucket and the extra steps that Jenkins requires to setup. For a small team and a small project Bitbucket requires no costs at all and whithout the need of a dedicated server for the build process. On the other hand Jenkins can be setup to be accessible through internet only through a server that has connection to internet. The following picture depicts the differences between Bitbucket Pipeline and Jenkins (The advantages of B...