VOIP Project: Preparing environment - Part 7

In order to implement the system shown during the design process shown in the previous parts, there are several steps needed to be followed in order to setup the framework of the project.

In order to build the PJSIP library it is necessary to have the Visual C++ IDE in a Windows environment. During the implementation of project, the Visual C++ 2015 Express Edition is used. Of course the PJSIP project must be downloaded as well from the pjsip.org website. During the development of this project the version 2.4.5 was used.
And alternative to Visual C++ 2015 Express Edition, a relatively more complex one, in order to build the PJSIP library is the usage of MingW combined with MSYS. When using this tools it is necessary to collect other tools in order to be able to build the PJSIP library.
After having the above mentioned tools, it is necessary to have a server where to host the MySQL database used in this project. During the development of this project a server connected with db4free.net domain was used, where phpMyAdmin was installed in order to manage the MySQL database.

After the preparation of the database environment as mentioned above, it is necessary to prepare the PBX functionalities as well. As mentioned previously, the PBX functionalities are offered by the bitrix24.com

After the environment for the PBX functionalities is provided, the environment for the development of the application must be prepared. In order to be able to develop the application described in VOIP Project: Design application - Part 5, it is necessary to have the Qt Creator IDE. During the development of this project, Qt Creator 3.6.1 with Qt SDK 5.6.0 and MSVC 2013 32 bit compiler was used. At the C++ Beginner: Lesson 0 - Setup enviroment you can find how to obtain the Qt Creator IDE.

< Part 6: Patterns Part 8: Building PJSIP library >

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